Sean Hoskins

dancer image, in a one handed-handstand with the other hand reaching toward the camera

Sean Hoskins (he/him/his) is a choreographer, teacher, multimedia artist, and event producer originally from Bennington, VT. He began dancing at Middlebury College and received his MFA from the University of Michigan, where he specialized in choreography and dance for the camera. His choreography has been presented in New York City, Detroit, Boston, and San Francisco, as well as at the National College Dance Festival in Washington, D.C. He has been a finalist for the Maggie Allesee Choreography Award (2012, 2017, 2021) and the Third Century Screens competition (2017). Sean performed with Leslie Seiters’ little known dance theatre, Peck Peck Dance, and ChavassDance&Performance, as well in works by Paul Matteson, Peter Schmitz, Jessica Fogel, Terri Creach, Susan Sgorbati, Melissa Beck, and Esduardo Mariscal.

Hoskins is a lecturer in dance at Hillsdale College. He has taught classes and workshops at the University of Michigan, Wayne State University, Oakland University, Middlebury and Bates Colleges, Berwick Academy, and at a number of regional American College Dance Festivals. He also directed the dance program at Blair Academy, a coed boarding high school.

Hoskins is a media consultant at the University of Michigan School of Music, Theatre & Dance, where he instructs technology skills to students and faculty, and supports departmental production, archival, and publicity-related needs. He continues to choreograph, create dances for the camera, and investigate new technologies. Hoskins also seeks to amplify the local dance community through shape // matter, an outdoor movement showcase held every August in downtown Ann Arbor, and the recently-established Ann Arbor Dance Network.